Pre-Kindergarten (must be 4-years old by August 31)




Enjoying Stories Together

Pre-K students “Jump into Books” together. They explore picture books and share their own thoughts and experiences related to the story. Students build pre-literacy skills. They identify sounds, rhymes and patterns and make “Meaningful Marks” through pictures, letters, and words. Giving clear messages and listening to others are key skills for Pre-K students.



In Pre-K there is strong focus on number sense as students play with math concepts through blocks, manipulatives, puzzles, patterns and dramatic play. Students begin to recognize and build numbers 0–10. They count for a purpose, measure and compare amounts. They engage in sorting, sequencing, patterns and making shapes of all kinds.



Life Science: Animal Studies: Valley Pets, Butterflies, Birds & Nests, Five Senses, Gardening

Earth Science: Seasons: Shadow, Light and Darkness

Physical Science: Powerful Experiments (energy, force, motion, air, water, magnets, gravity)


Social Studies

Classroom, School, Neighborhood

Winter Traditions & The Darkest Day

Superheroes, Everyday Heroes and My Super Powers!

Same & Different



Our Pre-K program is either half-day or full-day. Our half-day program is from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Our full-day program is from 8:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Families can enroll in the option that is the best fit for their family.